
The Amtryke Theraputic Tryke Program  is about abilities not disabilities.  
Veteran on a amtryke

The goal of Irving AMBUCS is to provide access to all the classic benefits of riding a bike: mobility, strength, exercise, coordination, interaction with family and friends, and just pure fun! Amtryke are made in a wide variety range of sizes starting at toddler age and go up to adult size. The Amtrykes are highly adjustable with a wide range of adaptions to fit many riders. AMBUCS has partnered with the Veterans Administration to assist our country’s challenged veterans who are in need of our theraputic trykes. We work with many children’s hospitals, doctors and therapist to assist in making sure that if there is a child or veteran in need of an Amtryke they are given this opportunity.

In the past 25 years Irving AMBUCS has raised over 2.2 million dollars and given away more than 2700 Amtrykes. Irving AMBUCS has always been able to purchase the Amtrykes at a low cost so as to ALWAYS make sure there is NEVER a cost to a recipient. The trykes are always DONATED to the recipient and when the tryke is out grown it can be exchanged for a new one.